This product enables HDMI split screen and full screen HDMI input to the main infotainment display on your Tesla Model 3 or Model Y. It is intended for use only while the vehicle is not in motion. As with any product related to your motor vehicle, it is your responsibility to use this product in a safe manner and to comply with all state and local laws.

What's in the Box:
1c: AMD (HW4) Power/CAN harness (If Harness C is selected at checkout)
1b: AMD (HW3) Power/CAN harness (If Harness B is selected at checkout)
1a: Intel Power/CAN harness (If Harness A is selected at checkout)
2: HDMI Interface Box
3: Audio Output Cable
4: FM Tuner
5: Power/CAN Cable
6: MCU -> HDMI Box HSD FPD-Link III Cable
7: HDMI Box -> Display HSD FPD-Link III Extension Cable
8: Button to switch views
9: IR Remote for to switch views, configure Picture in Picture Modes, and change advanced settings via OSD
10: IR Input Cable
Vehicle Compatibility:
Harness A: Model 3 and Model Y with Intel Atom MCU
Harness B: Model 3 and Model Y with AMD Ryzen MCU and AP HW3
Harness C: Model 3 and Model Y with AMD Ryzen MCU and AP HW4
Harness D: Model 3 (Highland) - In development, please email before placing your order
Download the User and Installation Guide here:

Click "Order Now" below to complete your purchase.
August 24th, 2024 Update: Our third production batch is now in stock! Orders will be shipped in the order they are received.
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